Twitter has become the latest website to outlaw unsolicited sexual images and revenge porn from its servers.
In a modification to the social media platform’s rules and regulations, users are now expressly forbidden to post “intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject’s consent.”
The move follows another highly-publicized statement of intent from Reddit who made similar changes in an attempt to ‘clean up’ the community.
Twitter has long faced repeated criticism for their slow reactions in dealing with abuse, unsolicited images/video and illegal material. A recently leaked memo found the company were embarrassed by their intertia. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo even went so far as to say that their methods for dealing with such issues “sucks”.
With abuse support teams and other related administrative arms of the company being increased, there remains a glimmer of hope that Twitter may be able to stem the tide of bad feeling that sometimes swamps the network.
Users who contravene the new rules will have their accounts locked.