I’m so pleased with this story. As you all should know by now, not only do I have a potty mouth, I also support women having as much sex as they want, with whomever they want, however they want, whenever they want – unless it’s illegal – without being judged by anyone (men or women). Now if one should also get paid for said sex, and they’re enjoying it or like it, then by all means go for it.
So imagine my surprise when I read that a Duke University student is paying her tuition fees by doing porn. At first I was shocked, “Wow! How expensive are the fees?” and when I found out (creeping towards the US$60,000 a year mark – that’s someone’s annual income!) I respected her ingenuity for doing something she clearly enjoyed doing, getting paid for it and coming out of University debt free. Win! Here’s what she says about her job:
“I have always been a very sexual person, and I’m also bisexual, but I haven’t ever felt really welcome,” said Lauren. “But when I’m in Pornland, I feel at home. This is where I’m meant to be, with these people who love sex and are comfortable about it.”
LOVE it! Here’s a girl owning up to who she is. I can attest to her statement, once you mix with people who are comfortable with their sexuality and aren’t apologetic about having and liking sex, your world changes. You realize just how much the real world has made sex into this magical thing that you can only have under specific conditions. For women it’s even worse because any sex outside what is socially acceptable is just an easy way to be labeled a ‘slut’, ‘whore’ or anything else society deems appropriate in shaming her for having a vagina and using and enjoying it.
Lauren, the pseudonym she goes by, says, “I feel like girls at Duke have to hide their sexuality. We’re caught in this virgin-whore dichotomy,” she said. “Gender norms are very intense here and I feel like that’s particularly carried out by frats. I think that being a woman at Duke is extremely difficult. I think that being a sexual woman at Duke is extremely difficult.”
It comes as no surprise the reaction to her confession was mostly sputtering rage, indignation and a whole lot of ‘whore’ and ‘slut’ being thrown about. Like the idea that a woman might actually like being in porn never occurred to people. Sure, as a feminist, the idea of porn isn’t in line with what is feminism but she puts it best:
“Feminism to me means advancing my personal liberty, my opportunity in the world, while also championing my body and my right to choose what to do with my body,” Lauren said. “For people who say that porn is inherently degrading, that’s wrong. First of all, everything we do is consensual. We are not coerced in any way. Second of all, you’re right, all the directors are male, there may be two female directors in the entire world that are porn directors. If anything, that means I need to go in there and I need to change it.”
Well said, and we for one are in support of your decision. Here’s to being who you are!